From a greeting envelope full of money to a money envelope full of greetings.
The idea
During Chinese New Year, the amount of money you should put inside a ‘hongbao’ is a real burden for social relationships; you never know much others will give you.
A problem in which Diesel, mastering irony like no one else, tried to tackle.
What if money was just the packaging? Introducing the Money Pocket, the first red envelope made of real money. Turning it inside out, giving the full space to the real values behind (caring, friendship, love, safety).
Agency: Fred & Farid Shanghai
Client: Diesel China
Title of ad: Diesel Money Pocket
Brand Supervisor: Tracy Wang, Ken Chen
Chief Creative Officers: Fred & Farid
Agency Supervisor: Kelly Gao
Executive Creative Director: Feng Huang
Copywriter: Adrien Goris
Art Directors: Adrien Goris, Issy Zheng
Designers: Frank Lin, Mengxiang Lin
Brand Strategist: Jing Qian, Zhuomin Qin
Social Media Strategist: Xiaoman Xia
Agency Producer: Juni Zhu
Case Video Editor: Roy Zhang